Hi There!

Please allow me to introduce myself and my voice-over services. My name is Vincent Maggio I'm a professional voice over artist. I've been trained by some of the finest at Such a Voice. I'm New York born and bred, product of Long Island. For nearly all of my life people have told me that I have a great voice, from family members to friends and co-workers.  As mentioned, for many years people have commented on my voice so I began to really think this over, maybe there is something about my voice? In 2007 I authored a children's book and went to elementary schools to read my book to the young students. Teachers also commented on my voice and suggested I look into Audiobook readings. Okay that does it! I need to research  this whole voice over thing. As mentioned, I hooked up with the Such a Voice team and became a voice over talent, professional and polished. Note my logo, Rich, Deep, Soothing just a few descriptors of my voice. Sociable, Enthusiastic, Persuasive, Sexy, Captivating, Comical, Creative, Informative, Serious, and many more, Boastful, Arrogant. LOL Love most all music, sports and love to cook! Please take a listen to some of my demo work. I have a Unique Ability Please without hesitation reach out I think my voice would be perfect for your project.